See hardware alpha (HA).
An Itron service plan that allows delivery of 5000 messages x 16 bytes per month for free to Itron Internet of Things (IoT) customers. The plan is intended for customers with relatively small data requirements.
HAN Communications Manager (HCM)
An Itron application that enables utility companies to manage home area network (HAN) devices (including Zigbee and Direct-to-Grid devices), utility company rate plans, and to create and manage demand response (DR) programs.
HAN devices
Devices that are used in the home or small and medium business (SMB) to help customers control and monitor their electricity use and, in some cases, to respond to demand response (DR)price signals.
Examples of HAN devices are the programmable communicating thermostat (PCT), load control switch (LCS) and similar devices, and in-premises display.
handheld (HH)
See handheld device.
hand-held file (HHF) format
A file format consisting of multiple 256-byte records that is produced by third-party and Itron software applications running on hand-held data collectors. The format allows data (such as register data, and meter event or history log information) from multiple devices to be stored in the same file.
handheld computer
See handheld device.
handheld device
A portable data collection device with labeled keys and a display screen used by utility employees (for example, field service representatives) to collect meter readings and related meter data. Itron’s handheld computers include the FC200 and FC300 and the older FS/2, FS3, Genesis Portable Computer (GPC), TRx (Japan), and G5. The preferred term when using handheld is handheld device. Handheld is sometimes abbreviated as HH for space purposes.
handheld key
A shared elliptic curve cryptography key that can be used to authenticate commands from handheld computers.
HAN module
A radio-based module that enables home devices (like thermostats, information displays, and smart appliances) to communicate with the OpenWay Collection Engine through a Zigbee-enhanced meter.
HAN Test Kit
An Itron application that, in conjunction with the Itron Field Service Unit (FSU), enables home area network (HAN) device vendors to test their HAN devices with Itron equipment and the Zigbee Smart Energy Profile (SEP) implementation to confirm correct interoperation. The tests go beyond what the base ZigBee SEP standards specify, as ZigBee allows room for interpretation in a number of areas.
hardware alpha (HA)
A product milestone that indicates the early sample of a model built to test a design or process is available. May or may not capture the full functionality of the intended design. Testing to support the next build is completed.
hardware security module (HSM)
An appliance that stores sensitive credentials or private keys in hardware-protected memory. An HSM is FIPS-140-2 level 3-compliant, with provisions for tamper evidence and tamper prevention. It also provides hardware-based acceleration for cryptographic operations such as signing, and encryption. It is used with Itron products, such as Critical Operations Protector for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (COP for AMI).
harmonic distortion
An effect that causes the true sinewave of alternating voltages and currents to be distorted.
hash-based message authentication code (HMAC)
Calculations to construct a message authentication code (MAC) that involve cryptographic hash functions in combination with a secret key. HMACs can be used to verify the data integrity and authenticity of messages.
hash function
An algorithm that turns a variable-sized amount of text into a fixed-sized output (hash value). Hash functions are used in creating digital signatures, hash tables, and short text condensations for analysis purposes. Also called cryptographic hash function.
hash table
A lookup table that is designed to efficiently store non-contiguous keys. Hash tables are created by using an algorithm to hash the keys into hash buckets. Each bucket is a list of key value pairs. When an item is looked up, its key is hashed to find the appropriate bucket. Then, the bucket is searched for the right key-value pair.
hash value
A block of data represented as a string of bits. See also program seal.
See HAN Communications Manager (HCM).
An Itron component that allows HAN Communications Manager (HCM) users to route web service calls through Mule. It provides the public API and serves the WSDL and XSD files needed by integration tooling and routes public and legacy API calls. It is required by HCM.
See High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).
HDL file
head end
The starting point in a communications system.
head end router (HER)
A router that directs communications to and from multiple field area routers (FARs).
The Cisco®Aggregation Services Router (ASR) is the HER model used in OpenWay systems.
head end system (HES)
A software application that receives the stream of meter data brought back to the utility by an AMR/AMI system. Head end systems may perform a limited amount of data validation before either making the data available for other systems to request or before pushing the data out to other systems. Head end systems may also perform a limited set of data management functions for such activities as route management, outage detection, and on-demand reads.
heating degree day (HDD)
A unit of measure used to relate a day’s temperature to the energy demands to heat buildings. Calculate heating degree days by subtracting a day's average temperature from 65. For example, if the day's high is 60°F and the day's low is 40°F, the day's average is 50°F. Subtract 50 from 65 to get 15 heating degree days.
HE Bridge
See Home Energy Management System (HEMS).
An international company that provides IT solutions and software engineering services to high-tech vendors, telecommunication service providers, financial institutions, and the public sector.
hertz (Hz)
A measure of frequency, one cycle per second. The unit may be applied to any periodic event—for example, a clock might be said to tick at 1 Hz, or a human heart might be said to beat at 1.2 Hz.
See handheld device.
See hand-held file (HHF) format.
See high-intensity discharge (HID).
high availability (HA)
A system design approach and associated service implementation that ensures that a prearranged level of operational performance will be met during a contractual measurement period.
High Efficiency Bridge
A waterproof DA communication platform that supports connectivity to underground endpoint devices. This device can withstand flood water, oil, and extreme weather environments. It is standard to use the HE Bridge to connect to subterraneous network protectors through both RS-485 or Ethernet interface.
high gain fiberglass (stick antenna)
An omnidirectional stick antenna designed for 800 MHz and 900 MHz ISM bands. It is suited for multipoint, non line of sight (NLOS), and mobile applications where high gain and wide coverage is required.
high-intensity discharge (HID)
A type of lighting technology commonly used for streetlights where light is produced by an electric arc generated between tungsten electrodes that are contained within a fused alumina or quartz tube.
High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
A general-purpose protocol that operates at the data link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. The protocol uses the services of a physical layer and provides either a best effort or reliable communications path between the transmitter and receiver.
high-pressure sodium (HPS)
A common type of streetlight technology that predates light-emitting diode (LED) development for streetlights.
High Speed (Downlink/Uplink) Packet Access (HSPA/HSDPA/HSUPA)
A combination of two mobile telephony protocols, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), which extend and improve the performance of existing Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) protocols. HSPA supports increased peak data rates of up to 14 Mbit/s in the downlink and 5.8 Mbit/s in the uplink. It also reduces latency and provides up to five times more system capacity in the downlink and up to twice as much system capacity in the uplink, reducing the production cost per bit compared to original WCDMA protocols.
high-strength KeySafe
A version of KeySafe that enables key-wrapping without degrading client application performance.
See MQTT Broker.
See MQTT Broker.
See hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).
hockey puck antenna
See low-profile disc antenna (hockey puck).
home area network (HAN)
A data communications system contained within the home or small and medium business (SMB).
Home Energy Management System (HEMS)
A digital system that monitors and controls energy in a household.
Honeywell CN80
A rugged Android™-based handheld device compatible with Temetra. These devices feature a tactile numerical keyboard to enter visually keyed reads with ease. They also support scanning for ERT Module barcodes.
A point along a network route between the Access Point (AP) and the meter. Though not itself a device, a hop is always associated with a device, usually a Relay or meter acting as a Relay. When data is transmitted across a network, the packet hops from device to device. See also link and route.
hopping sequence
The selection by a node of a random start channel and seed to reduce the amount of interference with other nodes within range.
hop (RFLAN)
The movement of a data packet in communications between two adjacent meters or between a meter and the cell relay in an RFLAN cell.
host download file (HDL)
A proprietary file format (default file name: download.HDL) developed by Itron to download meter reading requests from a utility company’s customer information system (CIS) into Itron’s MV-RS meter data management system. MV-RS, in turn, sends the information to handheld and/or mobile meter data collection devices. HDL files contain cycle, route, customer, meter, and reading data. Itron’s Field Collection System (FCS) employs the HDL file format to import data from utility customer information systems. Itron's Field Deployment Manager (FDM) downloads route information to HDL files for meter read validation by FCS and MV-RS.
hosting location
The physical location of an Access Point or Relay.
host upload file (HUL)
A proprietary file format (default file name: upload.HUL) developed by Itron to upload meter reading data collected by Itron’s MV-RS meter data management system to a utility company’s customer information system (CIS). Itron’s Field Collection System (FCS) also employs the HUL file format to export FCS data to customer information systems.
A single, cumulative package of one or more files used to correct specific issues and problems in a previous release of a software product.
See high-pressure sodium (HPS).
See HERMES SoftLab (HSL).
See hardware security module (HSM).
See High Speed (Downlink/Uplink) Packet Access (HSPA/HSDPA/HSUPA).
See Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
hybrid client
A computer or program that requests data, files, or services or accesses shared network resources from a server computer or program. Of the client classes, thin client, hybrid, client, and rich client, a hybrid client is a mixture of the thin and rich clients. A hybrid client executes data processing locally, like a rich client, but relies upon the server for data storage, like a thin client.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
A networking protocol or set of rules for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) in distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the web.
See hertz (Hz).